The basic attractions that form the basis for sexual orientation during adulthood start between middle childhood and adolescence. These patterns of sexual attraction can occur without any prior sexual experiences.
How is sexual orientation determined?
Researchers have not reached any conclusion about any particular reason, however studies have shown that factors such as genes and hormones along with the developmental and socio-cultural influences also has an impact on sexual orientation. Nature and nurture both play a role.
How does it feel to be a homosexual and bisexual individual in the society?
Being gay, lesbian or bisexual in our society is difficult as it is widely unaccepted and their sexual preference is perceived as a deviance. They have to face discrimination and intense prejudice frequently at schools, workplaces and home. Such discrimination and prejudice has a very deep psychological impact. They are anxious, unable to accept themselves, fears rejection from the society.
How to stop discrimination and enhance acceptance towards homosexuals and bisexuals?
For individuals who are discovering their sexual orientation to be gay, lesbian or bisexual primarily examine their own belief system for such prejudices. Changing such belief system will lead to self acceptance. Getting in touch with LGBTQ communities can enhance belongingness. Generating communication with heterosexual individual who do not discriminate. Heterosexual individuals play a pivotal role. Non discriminating heterosexual can encourage acceptance amongst other discriminating heterosexuals.
Discovering sexual orientation to coming out is a tenuous process. It involves a complex fight with self and others around. Focusing on acceptance to self and everyone around us will reduce discrimination and help us to shape a better society. Help from a Clinical Psychologist may be required some times.